March 4, 2011

Review: Ke$ha - "Blow"

Pop starlet Ke$ha puts another video out there, "Blow", directed by Chris Marrs Piliero. It tries to be grotesque and funny... and fails.

Not only does Lady Gaga rule all radio airplay and internet statistics at the moment, she obviously seems to be a source of inspiration for aspiring wannabe pop sensations - like Ke$ha. Or maybe, the record label managers dictate a certain mandatory "Lady Gaga-ness" for their new video releases.
Be that as it may, after Christina Aguilera's attempt with her rather dull "Not myself tonight" video, pop singer Ke$ha hops on the Gaga train as well.

From a technical point of view the video is pretty average, camera and editing are unspectacularly ok, definitely nothing special. Some odd choices were made in postproduction, the fake overexposure gets on your nerves, especially when Ke$has cute face gets melted away. Truly creative choices by the director are rare, eventhough the dialogue scene featuring James Van Der Beek ("Dawson's Creek") in the middle and the shoot-out scene at the end deserve some credit. I also like the make-up, it's kinda reduced to the max.

However, the video attemps to be funny at several times and fails. I guess the scene when Van der Beek rips out a bra (!) from beyond his shirt, ought to be funny. I mean come on. Plus, those goat-unicorn-things or whatever they're supposed to be, look cheap. I mean really cheap. This ain't no greek mythology, this ain't no pop art, this ain't no surrealism. It's just badly executed trash. The director shows absolutely no attempt of creating a certain cinematographic complexity one has to expect when watching a video which claims to be grotesque and provocative. "Blow" is just a colorful mix of half baked ideas.

The superficiality reaches it's peak already at the beginning of the video, when you're forced to read the totally unfunny and uninspired title "No mythological creatures were harmed in the making of this video". I mean, seriously, who gives a damn?!

Rating: 2/5

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