March 7, 2011

Review: Lady Gaga - "Born this Way"

Lady Gaga releases her latest video "Born this Way", directed by Nick Knight. It isn't nearly as epic as Jonas Akerlund's "Telephone" video (feat. Beyoncé). Nevertheless, the opening sequence is pretty spectacular.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think "Born this Way" is Nick Knight's first music video since Björk's "Pagan Poetry" back in 2001. Kinda weird, considering that fact that this was one of the most controversial music videos of all time. Anyway, it's no surprise at all that Knight returns to the director's chair only to work with pop phenomenon Lady Gaga, who tends to have a smiliar taste for fashion photography inspired artsy music videos.

Knight's real genius shows during the opening sequence, a disgusting celebration of Gagas seemingly transforming and hyperactive sexuality. She represents this queenlike alien mother who gives birth to a whole army of baby Gagas. A true nightmare, one might say. But it's a brilliantly executed tibute to classical science fiction art cinema masterpieces like "2001 - A Space Odyssey" or "Alien". The slime dripping embryos, this '1970' montage of floating bodies and flowers, the voice-over... It gives you the creeps, man.

Too bad the best part is over when this slimy birth orgy ends. For some reason, we don't get to see anything new at all when the song actually starts, except a (dance) performance in a set-less black hole and some very dull skeleton makeup. A bit disappointing after such a captivating start.

Rating: 3/5

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